Assalamualaykum, inshallah you are doing well. Recently I carried out an istikhara prayer for this boy who I really want to marry whether he is the right guy for me I truly love him and he is a Naqshabandi and inshallah I hope to be one too very soon. I had two dreams one before Fajr and one after Fajr, the one before Fajr was his mum was at my house and she told my mum and dad about her son that we want to get married and they agreed and I had a bad version of the dream after Fajr and they disagreed everything got out of hand? What does this mean? Should I do my istikhara again as it didn’t show me whether he is the right guy for me?
a`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem:
wa `alaykum salam,
The first inspiration is from ar-Rahman and the second is from Shaytan. If you and the young man and your families are all in agreement then marry in sha Allah.
Dr. Karim