assalam alleikum
My dream began with me walking through a hallway & spreading a white carpet so that Mawlana Nazim would walk through it. I walked through the hallway looking for him & I heard a voice say you’ll recognize your soulmate by looking at him. Then I saw brothers dressed in military clothes. In my mind I said I didn’t see him but I was hoping to see a brother I know in real life & one time we talked about marriage but things were left ambigious & now someone else is interested in marrying me. At the end I saw Mawlana Nazim & Sheikh HIsham talking. If I can understand the meaning thank you.
wa `alaykum salam,
The two Shaykhs represent your inner negotiations about who to marry. Marry the one who loves you the most.
And Allah knows best.
Yassir Chadly