Dream: Names of Prophet “Mahmoud” and “Mohammad”


Salaykoum warahmatullah wabarakatuhu Qubt-az Zaman Cheikh Mohammad Nazim ( Q S) . Salam alaykoum warahmatullah wabarakatuhu Ya Sayyedi Al Qutb Al Mutassarif Cheikh Hisham and all professors on this website .

My Mother dreamt:

“During all night, the names of Prophet ” Mahmoud sallalahu alayhi wasalam” and “Mohammad sallalahu alayhi wasalam” came in my sleep until the morning and after i waked and i continued to read these name during the day.”

May Allah give His support to Eshaykh Staff and our Masters.


wa `alaykum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakutuh,

This dream indicates that angels have been assigned to recite these two names with salawat on the Prophet (s) in every moment, up to Judgment Day, as Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani explained in a recent suhbat (06/16/2011) in Indonesia, and the blessings of their recitations have been gifted to your mother, for her dedication and love of our Beloved Prophet (s), and Allah knows best.

Taher Siddiqui

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