Assalamalikum Beloved Sayedi Shaykh Hisham. May Allah grant you long life, great health and happiness. Thank you infinitely for all you do for us, we can never be thankful enough.
This morning in dream I was with Shaykh Hisham and we Picked up Beloved Sayedi Shaykh Nazim in car. I was driving. We drove to mosque and went upstairs. Maulana had a very beautiful smile. Upstairs Saydna Mehdi (s) was there. He had orange sufi clothing, reddish beard, and white skin. Beautiful smile. His appearance was not what i had expected, Maulana Shaykh Nazim explained that this appearance was a small part of a whole.
Later Maulana Shaykh Hisham said to me, naegata we naegata. I didn’t understand and maulana then said. Negate against whats negated.
Thank you Beloved Sayedi and infinite love and salams to you.
wa `alaykum salam,
What a magnificent dream, masha-Allah. It contains extensive deep meanings of which I can only grasp a few.
Your driving the car with Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani to pick up Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani is an indication of excellent spiritual progress. Seeing Sayyidina al-Mahdi (as) is just what you saw, and wearing the Sufi clothes indicates that the only way to approach Mahdi (as) in this time is through Sufism and purification of the heart. As Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani explained his appearance is only a small part of the whole, meaning you need more spiritual progress to be able to perceive more aspects of the Savior and his reality inside yourself.
Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani said recently “negative times negative is positive” explaining that we must use the power of negativity against our own negativity to create positivity.
For example, sexual desire, is generally negative, as it draws us to zina, adultery, but if channeled through marriage it is halal and thus of benefit.
As the Prophet (s) said: “In the sexual act of each of you there is a sadaqa.” The Companions replied: “O Prophet of God! When one of us fulfils his sexual desire, will he be given a reward for that?” And he said, “Do you not think that were he to act upon it unlawfully, he would be sinning? Likewise, if he acts upon it lawfully he will be rewarded.” (Muslim)
And Allah knows best.
Taher Siddiqui