Asalamu Aleikum,
I saw a vision that was different than usual. In this vision instead of window opening/light, it was opened with mouth/teeth. At first 1 or more set of teeth were all twisted then slowly they took the shape that was similar to mine, somewhere in between or on end that person or me had the mouth open as if that person or me was screaming, but I didn’t hear anything. Then I heard someone(whom I assumed to be my dad because of similar-voice but the way of talking was not similar) he said to someone that she (maybe-his-2nd-wife) shouldn’t be angry at me because humans do make mistakes. This whole thing was some how related to sickness of my mom and I had done dam on her with Salawat and other stuff for her protection.. Was this vision from Haqq or from shaitan to scare me? It did scare me a lot even before it started.
a`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem:
wa `alaykum salam,
I could be related to some anxiety and fear you are having in your life. InchaAllah do not worry about it, and recite darud every day. Allah knows best.
Ali Elsayed