Dream: Occean



I saw my self near an occean. the waves were high. I was just between the occean and the wall. I was walking between the occean and the wall but i saw that it get straighter. I decided to go back. On my way back I get like half wet. when i reach a place i saw that i have to jump, i didnot dare though it was not very high. I saw there is also stairs through which i can go, I take the stairs(not many). Then I saw two unknown men, I ask one of them to serve like my father and to walk with me ( because i was afraid of some men there). I thought he is old but when he smiles to me showing acceptance to help, his face shows not that old. I saw my husband calling my name.


wa `alaykum salam,

The dream shows you approaching the Oceans of Divine Knowledge, and going up the stairs is an ascension towards higher stations.

The evil men you saw are your four enemies, nafs, dunya, hawa and shaytan and the two men whom you asked to serve as your father are your spiritual elders, Mawlana Shaykh Muammad Nazim al-Haqqani and Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani. That signifies through their help, as represented by the old man – who in reality is young, because his heart is always receiving fresh outpourings from the Divine Presence – you will be able to reach these Divine gnosis oceans, insha-Allah. And, as Mawlana Shaykh has often explained, for a woman that is through good conduct with her husband and for the man, in good conduct with his Shaykh.

And Allah knows best,

Taher Siddiqui

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