Salaams, My dream was that I was being chased by a group of people in a field with plants, trees, and ponds, as if it were a game. I saw a donkey then whistled for it. Then I thought I needed something faster. I called on Shaykh and asked for a White horse. I turned around and a white horse appeared. I then asked Shaykh for a white robe with a green shirt underneath. Then I asked for the horse to fly. Then suddenly it flew up in the air and approached me, only now it was not a horse but a unicorn, with a horn.
And then I woke up.
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem,
wa `alaykum salam,
Allah is showing you that belief in Allah and the Shaykh is important. You can ask the Shaykh for intercession to help with any problems.
And Allah knows best.
Yassir Chadly