A few nights ago I witnessed a dream. I saw that I went to shrine of Sufi Barkat (one of the famous Saints of Pakistan). When I entered in shrine I saw that there was a line of people in front of gate. Servants of Shrine were entering people in small batches. But I saw that a person came and asked me to follow him. He took me inside. Other people in line were astonished on seeing this. The person took me to the grave of Sufi Barkat. There I offered Fateha. During my stay 2 batches of people were entered and went away after Fateha. But no one asked me to leave this place. Then I woke up.
In my life I have only heard name of Sufi Barkat. But I haven’t got any chance to visit his shrine.
a`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem:
This dream can mean that you are going to meet a women (represented by the shrine)and you are going to marry her. The people are the guest attending the celebration. And Allah knows best.
Yassir Chadly