Dream: Office Scolding


AOA Ya Sheikh,

I saw I am sitting in an office ( I am working woman) and I scolded a man with black beard. He doesn’t look towards me but he seemed ashamed. Next day my boss scolded me for nothing even though it was not my fault. My company is not paying my due rights in terms of contract, I am very tense these days. My boss knows I am asking my right but he is denying and delaying it for no reason. He is very religious but even then he is not fair. What should I do leave job or stick around.
Please guide and pray for me.
Jazak Allah Khairan


Walaikumas salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
Perhaps this dream indicates you did wrong behavior with someone before and now it is coming back to you to purify you through this trial. In any case, recite every day Astagfirullah 100x, Suratul Ikhlas 11x , Suratul Falaq 11x, Suratun Nas 11x, Suratul Fatiha 7x, ayatal Qursi 1x and then request Allah subhanahu t’ala to accept your recitation and send the rewards to Holy Prophet Rasoolullah (salallalahu alaihis salam), His respected family, His respected companions and all the friends of Allah, all in the intention to receive Allah’s protection from envy and jealousy of others.

Practically speaking if you need the job to survive then do not leave the job unless you have another better job.

Syed Shahzaman

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