Dream: Painful teeth


Assalamu’alaikum wrb

1) I had a dream where all my teeth were very painful, I could feel the pain of them in my dream. One tooth on the front of my jaw at the bottom was small and weak and was hanging on by a string like root. This tooth was lying down backwards. I tried to place this tooth in its back place bringing it to the front. The pain felt very real.

2) In my dream I sat in front of some person (who I dont think was a muslim) he was reciting something, and I went into a trance, he then clicked his fingers, and I woke up.

3) In my dream my ex-wife was kissing me, I felt incredible pain as she was doing this. Again a painful feeling in all my teeth and mouth. It was as though my mouth was being sucked out.

Jazak’Allah khair


Audhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm:

wa `alaykum salam,
This is three dreams in one!

1) This dream can mean that your family from your father’s and mother’s side needs a visit from you (silatu ‘r-raheem) and needs your love. The weak tooth in the front is a woman from your mother’s side, or a sister whom you are going to help.

2) Someone is trying to control your ideas. Check who your friend is.

3) Your ex-wife is going to take from your house, represented by your mouth, and your family is not going to not like it. Do the dhikr of “Laa ilaaha illa anta innee kuntu mina ‘z-zaalemeen” 300 times a day.

And Allah knows best.

Yassir Chadly

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