Dream: Perfume bottles


salam alekoom,
I was in our old home and I was making changes in the house…moving some items from guest room to living room..there was a young man helping me(i know him in reality but we never spoke. His name is Saif. At some point I was stuffing a cushion or pillow (I think it was red not),then the man hanged many perfume bottles on the wall. He arranged them horizontally..Then I didnt like that he kept it on the wall, so I thought to remove them. I started by taking down a perfume for men, then I hesitated and kept it back because I thought  to myself, “It took him some effort to arrange them, so i’ll leave them to show him that I appreciate what he did'”… It was after Fajr..
wa alkoom salam


Walaikum Assalam,
Perfume in dreams means that you will inchaAllah get married.

Allah knows best.

Ali Elsayed

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