Asalaam alaikum wr wb Syedi,
I was thinking about going abroad for enhancing my career and education and I thought I must have permission to travel. This was few days before Ramadan and in Ramadan I dreamt that Sheikh Nazim comes to my grandfather’s place. A lot of women gather around him and I think I should go to him as I won’t get my turn. He comes to me and says permission granted. Up til here the dream is clear but then I hear a voice (or maybe a feeling) and it says to ride the donkey. I don’t remember it was Sheikh Nazim ‘s voice and when I woke up I felt good but confused, too. What does the last part of dream mean?
Sorry for the trouble and thank you so much for your perpetual help and guidance eshaykh. May Allah subana watalaa shower on you His blessings.
Audhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim
Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm:
Wa `alaykumu s-salāmu wa rahmatu l-lāhi wa barakātuh,
It means that you need to ride your ego and not let your ego ride you.
And Allah knows best.