Salam alekoom Sir.
Hope you are doing great, and hope your health is well. Could you interpret this dream?
I was in a room with few people on my right. We were sitting and on my left was a window and curtain. All of a sudden a lamb appeared from the left side, it had some black mostly grey. It was so adorable and it came to me. The people were laughing and surprised and said ‘why is it coming to you?’ It was being playful and cozy with me.
Then I got up and there was a bed in the same room. There was a cute baby girl. She was a bit dirty. I thought I had to wash her. She wasn’t wearing a diaper. She had transparent plastic cover instead. I took it off. There was water which wasn’t hot or cold, warm enough for the baby. I tested it and kept the baby in. She seemed to like it.
Wa alkoom slam
Audhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim
Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm:
Walaikum Assalam,
You will be shouldering big responsibilities inchaAllah, which you succeed in carrying.
Allah knows best,
Ali Elsayed