Dream: Please help my mother!



1. My mother is severely anaemic has blood issue become very weak/colourless She feels that she will die soon. I am distressed since hearing this Please prescribe or tell me what I can do? Sacrifice an animal?

2. My mother had dream and saw her younger sister and late father. There was a coffin being taken away she never saw but knew it was a far relative (who recently died in real life) then mother saw her late father hugging/crying her little her sister for a little while then he came by my mother and cried a lot and wouldn’t let go of her, she also did but let go herself and said you have to go now and felt real

Please pray for my parent’s shifa good health happiness forgiveness and long life and Hajj opportunity this year.



Alaykum Salam,

Mawlana is praying for you and your mother. May Allah grant you everything you ask and more. Dream points to happiness in dunya and akhira but there are tests. Sacrifice this Eid and feed yourselves and the poor. Give thanks and trust in Allah.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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