Decent/humble guy came with parents for rishta. Adopted by his father’s elder sister. 8 yrs older & has comp. repair company. Doesn’t have B.A., my parents are concerned. I am working on B.A. and MBA iA; education/faith are important.
I read 18:110, 2:285-286 and 7:54 asking Allah to show me a sign. Saw my sister pouring sweet syrup on waffles.
Next night without istikhara, I saw myself getting ready. That guy was treating me very well. He loved me. He was going to buy a huge house for us. A woman(a stranger who I’ve seen at parties) came to the door and said something bad like she will interefere with us. She left. Mom said that woman won’t let you get that house and will dissolve it. I said I’ll take her to court and get a case against her. The scene changed to a bad one. I felt humiliated.
wa `alaykum salam,
The istikhara is good and shows good life for you with him and he will give his whole heart to you. The evil lady represents the doubts about education and other nonsense considerations which will interfere and prevent this if they are allowed to, so be firm and convince your parents he is good. Diplomas and money are only pieces of paper.
Allah knows best,
Taher Siddiqui