Dream: prayer in dream


assalam alaykum
Saw a dream in the morning hours i am in a certain mosque. And sitting in the first row ( the mosque and all other musallieen are in white dress). Waiting for Imam to come and lead the prayer. after a few minutes an imam came and sit on the musallah (no knowledge of Imam who he is ). After a few seconds he got up and move from his place to the back row and standing in a little bit left direction and all the people are followed him and we all read Salath wa Salam on our Nabi Sallallaho alayhi wa sallam then he went back to musallah. Everybody followed him and i also come back to my first row place. This masjid is believed to be Masjid al Nabawi sharief.
Allah knows the best. May Allah protect me if there is an evil in it and if it is a glad tiding may Allah keep me on Sirathal mustaqeem.
Please respond Shukran JazakAllah


Good tidings to you. Your soul was invited to be with the souls of Awliya and holy people. When the Imam stood up and walked to the back it was to honor the holy presence of Sayyidina Muhammad in his Holy mosque. That is why you were reciting Salatu was-Salam.

Ali Elsayed

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