Dream: Prophet Idris (aw)


Assalam alleikum

I had two dreams related to Prophet Idris (as):

1st I went in front of him with a hebrew lady & he told me to be patient with her. I gave her a hijab and he gave or showed me a big jewel it was the shape of a diamond but it glowed green and it as suspended in the air.

2nd I saw him leading dhikr inside a pyramid.

If I can understand the meanings thank you.


wa `alaykum salam,

That jewel suspended in the air is Jawharat an-Nabi (s), the source of all light in creation, the Prophetic light, as described in Hajjah Amina Adil’s book, Muhammad, Messenger of Islam, may Allah grant her the highest stations in the Divine Presence, where, after describing Allah’s first creation of the Muhammad Light in detail, and its being divided into parts, from which all creation was made, she wrote:

Next the Lord created a lamp of green emerald from the Light, and attached it to the tree by a chain of light. Then He placed the soul of Muhammad (s) inside the lamp and commanded it to praise Him with the Most Beautiful Names (Asma al-Husna). This it did, and it began to recite each one of the Names for one thousand years. When it reached the Name ar-Rahman (the Merciful), the gaze of Mercy fell upon it and the soul began to sweat from modesty. Drops of sweat fell from it, as many as there were to be prophets and messengers, each drop of rose-flavored sweat turning into the soul of a prophet.

Seeing this dream is a tremendous blessing and mercy to you and your entire family. You saw Sayyidina Idris (as), who is one of the great Prophets of Bani Isra’il, and you were told to be patient with the Hebrew lady. He was indicating to you that many of the followers of Judaism will recognize the truth the Muhammadan Message if only we Muslims give them a chance, show them kindness, tolerance, respect and let them bask in the light of the Quran and Sunnah, as exemplified by the masterful conduct of our great Shaykhs. They will then adopt Islam and Shari`ah better than we who were born Muslims, as shown by her adopting hijab.

Seeing Sayyidina Idris making dhikr inside a pyramid is showing the real purpose of the pyramid.

And Allah knows best.

TaherĀ  Siddiqui

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