Asalam alaykum,
I was with a group of people, I saw Prophet Mohammed pbuh and we and Mohammed pbuh were all of the same group. Mohammed pbuh was sat on the ground as though he was leaning with he’s back against something whilst sleeping with such a gentle and peacful smile, he appeared handsome and younger maybe his early 30’s, a child was by his side. When I saw this I said to the people this is sunnah! My understanding at the time was the child and Mohammed pbuh was representing caring or something similar. I felt a hurry as I knew Judgment day was soon. I was wanting to quickly spend money which I had(£3,500)in Allah’s cause before judgment day. I was aware that although judgment day was meant to be a Fridayit would be delayed til Tuesday.
I hope Inshallah you can explain this all to me.
wa `alaykum salam,
Mabruk on such a beautiful dream. Seeing Sayyidina Muhammad (s) in a dream means he will intercede on your behalf in seven tribulations in this world and seven in the next.
Seeing Sayyidina Muhammad (s) caring for a child means take care and spend money on orphans. Seeing him sleeping means the Ummah has left love the Prophet (s) behind. Seeing Judgment Day delayed from Friday, which is blessed day to Tuesday which is usually a spiritually “heavy” day, means we are in the Last Days where believers will be tested severely. Seeing yourself with the group means you are keeping the way of Ahl as-Sunnah wa ‘l-Jama’ah which is the Sawad al-`Azham, the vast majority of believers, who keep the classical Islam as clearly spelled out by the Companions, the Successors, the Successors of the Successors and then the `ulama and imams of the Ummah from the first 3 centuries and the `ulama of later generations who clarified, classified and codified the bases of belief, law and spirituality into a perfect system of belief, education, governance, training and practice.
and Allah knows best
Taher Siddiqui