Dream: Prophet Muhammad (s)


I dreamt that I was told (in a woman’s voice) Prophet Muhammad wanted to see me whist I was waiting outside of some random house. A man then appeared who was approx mid 30s with curly black shiny hair, black eyes with, tanned reddish/golden skin, average height, no taller than 6ft, a cream hat, extremely handsome, oozing confidence but yet soft in the face. He did not say anything and did not show any emotion but I was completely stunned in shock. I am not a practising Muslim and would like to know the significance of this dream.


Audhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim
Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm:

This dream can mean that you are going to insha”Allah to start practising Islam. The reward for that is all those good descriptions of that man you saw, as if it says practice and you will have those qualities yourself, masha’Allah.

And Allah (awj) knows best.

Yassir Chadly

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