As Salamu Alaikum
I had a special dream. I was on an old ship in a stormy sea, and there were many people all dancing, making party, drinking, like a discoteque, despite the storm. I was there with them but like an extern. Then I felt the presence of our Great Prophet from my heart and I begun to search for him. I saw a figure form his shoulders, firm in that confusion, that I recognized like the Prophet, but I didn’t see his face! I tried to come to him but suddenly a Light coming from the sky took me out of that place and when I’ve been elevated I heard the Adhan of our Beloved Prophet! The wonderful voice of the Prophet and a joyful presence pervaded me like something unexpressible… and so ended the dream.
What’s the correct interpretation?
Special Greetings and Salaams to Mawlana Shaikh Hisham Kabbani.
wa `alaykum salam,
InshaAllah through your love to the Prophet you will be rescued from difficulty of this world. Hearing the call to worship from the Prophet is your soul’s yearning to be in his presence. May Allah grant us all such honor.
Ali Elsayed