1) friend hiding behind my bedroom curtain then very joyful and smiling
2) Language teacher wearing very nice black shirt & smiling at me in an empty classroom.
3) myself dying and being carried away from my room in that state
Quarantine time for you and many people has been a forced khalwah (seclusion) with many spiritual benefits. The dreams mean:
- Allah’s Friends are looking after you from behind the veil of human appearance.
- Your aptitude for understanding is very high and you should apply it in studying the Quran.
- reaching the station of mootoo qabl an tamoot – “die before you die” which was attained by Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (r). For you that took place in the spiritual realm and has been gifted to you, now you must earn it in this life.
Allah knows best,
Taher Siddiqui