Dream: Qur’an writen in gold


I sow in a dream my ex director and he gave me the key of his room. I took the key and as I was opening the door I felt afraid that maybe he thinks I was touching something. I opened a safe (or a rack) and I found there two copies of old Qur’ans. While opening them I saw that they were big and were covered e written in pure gold… Before this, I saw a mirror, totally clean, without frame. I wasn’t looking at it but somebody told me I won it after hard working (or waiting). I cautiously took it because it was very sharp edged placing it in the garden of an unknown house, pretending to take it one week later. At the corner of the house was an old but very nice and clean old lady communicating me the feeling, ‘marry her’. …


`Alaykum as-Salam,

Key from authority figure represents a special spiritual opening for you and knowledge of the Qur’an as explicitly confirmed and reconfirmed by sighting the two gold-illuminated copies. You will be given what you hope for from the unseen (ghayb). Frameless mirror is an innocent wife and its purity indicates removal of care, very sharp means very precious. Very nice and clean old lady here signifies Surat al-Baqarah because the Arabic word for old woman (`ajuz) is also one of the words for the cow (baqarah). Your spiritual treasures and key to openings here and hereafter are in that Surah, read it often.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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