Salam all shaykhs,
I had a dream close to fajr time in which I saw a lot of Raw Dates (khaji) and I saw the mother of my close friend (who is alive) we were at her house and I also saw that my friend whose mother’s house we were in previously came to my house (currently I am looking for a house I live in a apartment) with a gift the box was red and she was eating biryani I haven’t had any contact with her for some time now.
Please tell Shaykh Nazim r.a to pray for us.
Walaikumas salam wa rahmatullah,
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
Raw dates indicate water for those who need it. This means your current need will be fulfilled insha Allah.
Red Box means a noble house. Insha Allah you will acquire a noble house. Give some regular sadaka if you can.
Syed Shahzaman