Salaam alaikum.
I went to sleep at 2:30am. At sharp, 3:30am, I woke up and was not at all sleepy. I lay in bed doing dhikr and suddenly I heard myself breathing like a dog. I, then heard a voice of a dog barking inside me. I continued reading Ayat-ul-Kursi and doing dhikr. I started having sharp pain in my back and then all of a sudden I was very sleepy. I closed my eyes and I could feel someone pulling energy out of my body from my left foot. I got aggrevated and asked sheikh Nazim & Abdul Qadir Jilani to help me. I saw a bright green light and I woke up. Did that evil spirit take over me? I have been experiencing head aches since then. Please advise something to read.
wa `alaykum salam,
When you call the awliyaullah they come, so don’t give too much credence or power to shaytan. Didn’t you see the light? The dog is only your ego, always barking… not happy with Dhikrullah. Ignore it until it stops, which may take time.
Make fresh wudu before sleeping and pray 2 raka`ats greeting the wudu, insha-Allah you will not be bothered.
Taher Siddiqui