Dream: recitattion of surah ikhlas


Asalaamualaikum Brother.
I dreamt my hands were dirtied in toilet in someone elses urine, struggled to open the door but something was not letting me out but managed to push through, this happened again with double doors and again managed to get through, i was afraid so began to recite surah ikhlaas and have done before in previous dreams. I called out for a dog i couldnt find. Later I was preparing to have intercourse with someone, cant remember if I was married to him but it was not in secret I remember feeling aroused. I locked the room door for privacy and realised the curtains too need to be closed and so I did ducking low so no one could see my bare body. the windows were very wide almost across the whole wall.
Please please could you explain this dream for me.


wa `alaykum salam,

The toilet symbolizes too much involvement in dunya but reciting Quran means your spirituality will overcome this involvement. Seeking a dog who didn’t come means the end of a supportive relationship. The last part means paying off debts and relief from stress, and Allah knows best.

Taher Siddiqui

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