I was climbing something like it was strairs but that were really high but somehow I climbed. Everywhere in ground was ayah of the Holy Quran and I was wearing a shoe which had also ayah of Quran then I had a dagger which was powerful like it had some kind of magic on it. They told me this is the last power which Allah has gave to you. Dagger had some kind of power and I had it safe with me whenever my enemies came near to me I pointed the dagger and they started to shake somehow and they lost the “battle”….later I tried to get to my childhood home, then there was some sort of mix of snake and dragon creature which also tried to enter with me then snake/dragon tried to enter I shot the door and it head got caught in the middle (snake/dragon was multicolored) then I dismembered it head and it body told me I didn’t wanted to harm you look I don’t have venom either.
Audhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim
Bismi-l lāhi r-rahmāni r-rahīm
This dream represent the fight against your ego and its bad manners. The snake represents your ego and the house your heart. It shows also that by following the shariah and the sunnah of Rasul-Allah ﷺ represented in the dream by the ayat of Quran) and through the guidance of a real murshid, you will defeat your ego insh Allah.
And Allah knows best.