Dream: Relocating


Bismilla Irrahman neerraheem

Asalaamualaykum Sheik,

JazakAllah for your time and effort. May ALLAH reward you inshaAlllah. I had a dream of my late father where we were travelling by car in the mountains. This place was in the east of where I live about 300 km away. I am asking my father where shall we go and he replied we should go to this place. He also mentioned the name. I was positive and said to my father “Lets go”. When I awoke I was so happy and wished I could relocate to this place. I wish to take Sheik Nazim’s advice of moving to natural surroundings inshaAllah. This place is very beautiful with natural surroundings. If the opportunity arises should I take it? What does this dream mean?




Wa alaikum salaam,

InshaAllah it is a good and correct inspiration. But make sure that you consult Shaykh Nazim or an Authorized Representative such as Shaykh Hisham al Kabbani before making such a move as the opportunity presents itself.

Wallahu Alam,

Kamau Ayubbi

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