Dream: Response to Istikhara regarding Marriage


Assalamu Alaykum.
I prayed Istikhara for marriage. The girl is a daughter of my mom’s friend; we’re classmates. She’s shy, I only said hi once. Last night I had a dream:- it’s night and mom tells me to do something weird–she says if I go to the store and buy a 10 Liter bottle of Pepsi (10!) then I’m ready for marriage. I blush and agree. Mom says this girl will guarantee Jannah for me as my elder aunt told her this.I hear ma saying to someone that the girl was home schooled by great teachers to save her from fitnah. This scene ends and another begins:- here, I’m at an unknown house sitting opposite to a beautiful girl. She’s wearing a saree with a red sleeveless blouse that looked great. She didn’t look like my mom’s friend’s daughter. I don’t know, but I think I just saw my future wife. What does this mean?


Walaikumas salam Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu
Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Insha-Allah it means that you should try really hard to make your mother happy in your daily life. Once your mother is happy thenĀ insha-Allah the door of marriage will open for you. Listen to your mother’s advice regarding marriage and it will be as if jannah for you.
The dream does not conclude who is the wife for sure. So the only decisive instruction from this dream is to listen and consult with your mother for your marriage. If you like this girl, then bring it up to your mother and insha-Allah she will advise you what to do.

Syed Shahzaman

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