Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (q) was sitting on a bed and was crying but also angry and saying, “just a little testing, then you will do what we want”, Mawlana Shaykh Hisham (q) was sitting on another bed on the right side.
It is a magnificent dream showing that Mawlana is angry and sad at those who are putting his Right Hand, meaning Shaykh Hisham in ghayb as if he is already with Mawlana “in the grave” which is represented by the bed.
It is a dream about `uquq (severing parental ties) which is one of the kaba’ir, but still the offenders will only do what Qada’ and Qadar has decided nothing more and nothing less. We ask Allah for safety from misguidance in Shari`a and Tariqa and at the end of times.
Hajj Gibril Haddad