Dream: Sayyidina Hazrat Ali RA



Sorry for my lack of manners my blessed shaykh. Recently had a dream, where I asked a family friend who is getting married in the next few days, about the path of Sufism because she was interested, she said that people told her, that path is wrong and they are the descendants of Sayyidina Hazrat Ali RA and their Aqeeda is not correct, I was confused as how can the descendants of Sayyidina Ali RA be on the wrong path?

JazakAllah Shaykh, may Allah swt bless you endlessly. Ameen.


wa `alaykum salam

That is the deviated teaching of the Wahabis, who disrespect the Sahaba and in particular Ahl al-Bayt of the Beloved Messenger (s), as did their forebears, the Khawarij, who fought with Sayyidina `Ali (r).

Taher Siddiqui

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