Dream: Sayyidina wa Nabiyyina Muhammad (saws)


Saw the PROPHET sallallahoalaihiwasallam sitting on sofa with turban on. Kissed blessed right hand and blessed feet of PROPHET sallallahoalaihiwasallam. Out of love, offered PROPHET sallallahoalaihiwasallam a cushion to be placed under HIS blessed feet which HE approved. said, don’t want to do job may be because of my nafs, to which PROPHET sallallahoalaihiwasallam said, your nafs is fat. I said I want to do business. HE replied with smile, do your business. HE showed me a book in which something was written in HIS praise. HE said i am going to HAJJ this year. I could not properly see HIS blessed face but appeared to have a bit brownish complexion. Was it really the PROPHET sallallahoalaihiwasallam? What could be the interpretation of this dream? –salaam
Assalato-wassalamo alaika ya RASOOL-ALLAH

May ALLAH give long and healthy life to our beloved Master Molana SHaykh Nazim, Sultan al Awliya! –aameen


a`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem:

wa `alaykum salam,
A dream of the Prophet (s) is a true dream. Follow what he told you. Mabruk.

Dr. Karim

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