Asalamualaikum wrwb,
I’m in a large change room/washroom/shower with mostly women running around frantically trying to get dressed to leave. I’m wearing a towel and I’m so embarrassed, frantically searching around to find clothes wear. Then I’m upset because someone has taken/misplaced my two towels, an orange and black one. In the end I find them after everyone has left. The place is wet and messy with clothes everywhere. During my search to find clothes people are trying to talk to me or pass salams, they are friends of my husband. I only speak to them so as not to be rude but I’m still mortified at my state, they don’t seem to notice my lack of clothes. They ask me where my husband is and I say, ‘I think he left’ but then he appears, head down dressed in sunnah clothes and turban, holding a tasbih. The dream ends.
wa `alaykum salam,
The dream indicates you’re doing something unacceptable in Islam. Keep to what your husband is advising and you will stop, insha-Allah.
Taher Siddiqui