Asalam Aleykum
I had a dream where I was hiding from a snake a dangerous snake, I remember exactly the color of its skin, it was yellow and blake, and suddenly the snake took a human form, it begun a white man, I was really afraid.
I don’t know if it was in the same dream, but I saw a lion and I was afraid I always been afraid of lions, but this one was good actually, it didn’t do me any harm.
What is the interpretation of this dream, is it bad?
wa `alaykum salam,
The yellow snake represents a cowardly person, in the guise of piety, intent on harming you. The lion is a saint, inheritor of Sayyidina `Ali (r), who is protecting you, don’t worry.
Wear the Naqshband tawiz if you do not already. If you do, wear an additional one. Recite Hasbunallah wa ni`ama ‘l-wakeel 100x daily and pay a daily sadaqa for protection.
Taher Siddiqui