I saw at night that I am on the roof of my aunt’s home with cousin & mother. A room made around us made of wooden planks and heavy wind blew around. That wind did not harm us but I could felt pressure of it inside room. I loudly receiting Ayat-ul-kursi then lahola wala qoowata illa billa-e-alul zeem & Kalima tayyaba and kept reciting all of them. Suddenly a guard appeared and told me that BOSS has called me. An office appeared and saw a beautiful shinny black chair and Almighty ALLAH was sitting on it. I could not see but felt ALLAH’s presence on chair. ALLAH talked with me by saying ,”more intelligent people have come.” I was really sad but tears did not fall on my face, but was about to cry. ALLAH pointed a chair near Him and ordered me politely to sit. When I woke up I was reciting Kalima tayyaba.
a`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem:
This dream can mean that your strong dhikr of the kalima is going to save you from a hard time or a sickness, represented by the wind. As for the chair and Allah, that could be a trick from shaytan to make you give up and claim that you are not intelligent, and Allah knows best.
Yassir Chadly