Dream: Seeing ancestors who say they are Awliya


Assalamu alaikum,

Three women: I recognized two although the faces were unclear as my nan and great grandmother (both deceased). They were on a family visit from [private].

I felt they had a hidden pious purpose. My ill sister and I were sitting with them. Internally, I wanted to ask if they were “Awliya”. The following occurred:

Nan: Do you have a question?
Me: yes
Nan: Do you want to know if we are Awliya?
Me: yes
Nan: Ask your great grandmother
(I did but no answer)
Nan: ask again (and I did)
My nan asked my great grandmother to answer who replied with yes

I felt this meeting was secretive, and “part” of the objective of these three women was to help my sister. When my nan and grandmother were alive, the community said they were Awliya. My sister says she sometimes sees my nan.


Audhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim
Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm:

Walaikum Assalam,

InchAllah for the sake and dua of your pious ancestors, may Allah lift the sickness of your sister. Allah knows best.

Ali Elsayed

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