Dream: Seeing dead relatives


I saw 2 different dreams where my deceased uncle and grandmother (both from father’s side) appeared. First dream was where my deceased uncle gave me some coins (don’t remember the color) and told me to take it because it was good luck. I took it anyway, I had a mini dream within that where I couldn’t reach home because the elevator was stopping on the wrong floors. The next dream came in 2 days time where I saw my dead grandma pulling at least 3 of my hair strands. My cousin asks her to stop. Then I see a pastel green insect on my hair and brush it. It falls in my cupboard where the clothes are but  it disappears. I try to find it to kill it but a deep pink/magenta colored moth comes and I kill it.


a`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem:

Insha-Allah you will be spared from difficulties by the prayers of your pious relatives for you.

Dr. Karim

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