Dream: Seeing Hazrat Ayesha R.A. mazaar with two designers



I saw Hazrat Ayesha R.A.’s mazaar which was risen not flat. Then I saw two  designers in kurta pyjama and mosque cap,who were stitching the designs on a green chadaar which was spread wholly on the Hazrat Ayesha R.A’s mazaar. I saw only two designs being stitched. I in dream recollected that she was Ummahatul Momineen, then I said in the dream that I too want to be Ummahatul Momineen.


Audhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim
Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm:

Walaikum Assalam,

InchaAllah you will attain religious knowledge and piety like our mother Aisha.

Allah knows best

Ali Elsayed

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