Asalamu Aleikum,
I’m a mureed in Qadariyaa silsilah.. I was in a (class) room with my pir o murshid..I was sitting on a bench with my feet on it..in a relaxed manner and at the same time I knew that it was not the right way to sit in the presence of one’s pir o murshid but it wasn’t in my control.. There was also a young boy (16/17) on my left side sitting with me..whom I didn’t know..(there were also other people in the classroom but I think that I was the only female there)..on the end my pir o murshid started handing out Islamic booklets to everyone as a gift but when it was my turn they didn’t give me any..then the boy next to me gave me his booklet that he got from our pir o murshid.
JazakAllahu Khairan
audhu billah mina ‘sh-shaytani ‘r-rajeem,
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem,
wa `alaykum salam,
Your pir may be indicating to you that your trust may be with someone else. This happened to our pir Mawlana Shaykh Nazim as related in part of his biography below:
During his first year in Istanbul he met his first spiritual Shaykh, Shaykh Sulayman Arzarumi, a Shaykh of the Naqshbandi Order who died in 1368 H/1948 CE. While he studied Chemical Engineering, he would attend the gathering of this Shaykh to learn the discipline of the Naqshbandi Order, in addition to his two orders, the Qadiri and the Mevlevi.
He could usually be seen in Sultan Ahmad’s Mosque, meditating by himself throughout the night. He says,”There I received great blessings and great peace in my heart. I always prayed the Dawn Prayer in that mosque with my two Shaykhs, Shaykh Jamaluddin al-Alasuni and Shaykh Sulayman Arzarumi. They were educating me and putting in my heart the spiritual knowledge. I had many visions during that time, drawing me to go to the Holy Land of Damascus, but I didn’t yet have permission from my Shaykh. Many times in my visions, through Self-Effacement, I saw the Prophet Muhammad calling me to his presence. There was a deep yearning in my heart to leave everything and to migrate to the Holy City of the Prophet .
“One day, when this longing in my heart was particularly intense, I saw a vision in which my Shaykh, Sulayman Arzarumi, came, shook me by the shoulder, and told me, ‘Now the permission has come. Your secrets and your trust and your spiritual guidance are not with me. I only held you as a trust until you were ready for your real Shaykh, who is also my Shaykh, Shaykh `Abdullah ad-Daghestani. He is holding your keys. So go to him in Sham. This permission comes from me and from the Prophet .” [Shaykh Sulayman Arzurumi was one of the 313 saints of the Naqshbandi Order, who stand in the footsteps of and represent the 313 messengers.]
Dr. Karim Tourk