About a year ago while praying istikhara for marriage, in one of my dreams I saw Muhammed(PBUH). The scenes I saw:
- He is standing to my right & on my left are two war generals. One of them looks out of the window…like they are going to attack another country.
- He takes me in space, the earth is in front of me & someone is spinning the earth. I go close to earth& my face slightly touches the planet and I back off thinking the earth may fall off.
- We are on earth & he tells me- “Tell my ummah”. I start to tell the message ( I don’t know what it is but I’m telling them) to people while watching him leave & one of them asks me how the message is credible.
The boy family whom I did istikhara never came to my place. We do not speak anymore.
Audhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim
Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm:
This dream can mean that there is a struggle within yourself about marriage. Seeing the Prophet (alayhis’Salaam) is a sign of the ending of the struggle. The earth here represents your body, and your face represent your soul. Try to be kind to your body. The dhikr for this is to say ” Wa ufawidu amri il-Allah inna ‘Llaha basirun bi ‘l-`ibad” 300 times a day, Insha’Allah the fear will disappear.
And Allah knows best.
Yassir Chadly