Dream: Seeing Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)


For two days consecutive I dreamt about my Uncle who died approx 8 yrs ago and my Grandfather who is longer with us too (both related to my mom). Yesterday i dreamt that i made Biryani and my Uncle is eating it and enjoying it. The next day I saw my grandfather lying dead wrapped in a white cloth (it was wrapped the way men wrap the cloth during HAJJ or UMRAH) all of a sudden he talks to me tells me I should wrap Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) the same way and for a second (a flash) i saw our beloved Prophet (PBUH) wrapped in white cloth the same way.
What do the dreams mean?


a`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem:

wa `alaykum salam,
Increase your salawat daily and wrap your worship with ihda’ (dedication) to the Prophet (s), Sahaba, your teachers, and your ancestors.

Dr. Karim

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