I met Shaykh Hisham, they were looking after small pets. I say that I like the little tiger, I will have it. Then small cats come on my legs and tightly wrap around. I’m scared a bit of cats but don’t say. Instead I say will have the tiger. Then they put the pets to sleep in cages. There is a tank of water with sea animals and I have dipped my arm in it & am looking at the animals. Then, the next part I am thirsty for water & am looking around for water & see people looking for water. I ask a man who says the water is finished. I turn to my right and see a man sitting like a faqir in corner and he calls me to have some water from him. People there tell me don’t drink from that man suggesting he’s poor & unclean but I drink the water.
A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
Salamu alaikum wa rahmatullha,
The pets are the true nature of the egos of the disciples that the Shaykh has to attend to so that they can be transformed to real insan (human). Water represents the divine support needed to transform. This divine support originates from Allah alone and manifests into our being through the being of the Holy Prophet (sallallahu alaihis salam) and the friends of God (Awlia Allah). The holy people or the saintly people of God, who has open taps where water is still running are very rare. On top of that, in general people will advise you not to follow these AwliaAllah due to their ignorance in the matter. Therefore, you are encouraged through this dream to follow waliullah or true Shaykh of Tariqa (represented by Shaykh Hisham in the dream) in spite of the
common ignorance that will be around you. The fakir in the dream represents a wealthy person in terms of spirituality and closeness to God. General public advising you not to drink the water represents the ignorant ones from religion and the ones filled with materialistic desires. What they defines as dirty water in reality it is clean water, meaning divine support.
Asking for tiger means your ego is in the level of tiger and you are intending to repent from your sins. And this is the first step towards Allah. Getting instead cats means your repentance needs to be stronger. And Allah knows the best.
Syed Shahzaman