Seeing the Prophet (s) and Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani (q)


I saw history repeating itself in a dream. An incident that happened with Prophet SAW and Sahaba R. repeated itself with Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani and mureeds, exactly to the last detail.

The Prophet and Sahaba travel through a forest then i see them standing in a large room (very much like the picnic area). The women stand close to the Prophet on one side facing him while men on the other. I have an aerial view of the whole incident. I see the enemy (a man) come across the room with speed, towards the Prophet SAW. I think – oh he followed us through the forest. If he touches me (At this point I realize that I am the woman standing in the front, close to the Prophet SAW) I can do aikido and put him down, then think that I don’t know aikido, I also know that it’ll be very serious if the enemy touches me, all the Sahaba will get angry and go into action to protect me. Instead the enemy reaches the Prophet SAW- he either touches the arm or not but the Sahaba seize him. Now the question is – if they let him go, he will come back for revenge so it seems likely that they will finish him off.

The same incident is repeated with MSH replacing the Prophet SAW and the mureeds are standing in place of the Sahabà ikram radayAllahu ta’lanhum. I am the woman in the front (I think the very same things as in the previous scene). The mureeds seize the enemy and after the same conundrum, it seems they will finish him off.

The mureeds then say, “This incident is described in Nuun, not Surah Nuun but the Nuun of Duha.”


That is truly magnificent dream. There are 4 Nuns in Surat ad-Duha. Each one then may represent one of the 4 enemies: nafs, dunya, shaytan, hawwa. These are the enemies of insan and of course enemies to Rasoolullah (s). So what you saw is that Rasoolullah (s) opposed these 4 and with Sahaba defeated them in each Sahabi, thus Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani will defeat these 4 enemies in each mureed (without their awareness). In this way history repeats itself with every Grandshaykh, w’ Allahu`alam.

Aziz Hussein

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