Dream: Shaykh Nazim and Hajjah Amina


Saw Hajjah Amina. She was telling me to pray on the prayer mat she prayed on. I then met a sister and was saying to her I want Shaykh Nazim to do my nikkah, lets go and ask him if he can. Shaykh Nazim and Hajjah Amina then gave me a beautiful ring.

I saw Shaykh Nazim again me and two of my friends were sitting near his feet. Mawlana gave two of my friends two false/fake teeth and I was wondering what Mawlana would give me, but then I realized I’m not worthy of it. But Mawlana smiled and started talking/pulling out one his real teeth out for me and I was saying to Mawlana I don’t want to cause you pain but he just gave it to me.


a`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem:

This dream can mean that you are going to marry (insha’Allah) one of the real mureed of Shaykh Nazim, one who Shaykh Nazim treats like his own son. He could be related to Shaykh, and Allah (Subhanah) knows best.

Yassir Chadly

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