


Thankyou for my dream interpretation of (DREAM OF MY SHEIKH). When I had this dream I was already bayth in the naqshbandi silsila. When you interperated my dream you mentioned to take the hand of a living sheikh what do you mean?
Also I would like to ask one day I went to do ziyarath of my sheikh he saw me he stared at he me constantly and then he said to me you can go now. When I went the people that were sitting close to him heared him saying may Allah give her Izaath and parda he said this three times and then he went quite. One of them people new my father and told him this.Could you please tell me the meanin of this. Thankyou!


wa `alaykum salam,

You said your shaykh has passed away, and it is a basic principle in the Naqshbandi Sufi Way that one must have a living Shaykh, just as the Sahaba took baya` from Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (r) upon the passing of the Prophet (s). Take baya` from a living Shaykh to continue your tarbiyyah (training and spiritual discipline) so you may reach your destined spiritual maqam before passing from this life, insha-Allah.

May Allah grant you `izzat (honor) and purdah (hijab), as your Shaykh mentioned. Real `izzat means that you have been honored by Allah swt, His Prophet (s) and the true believers (the saints).  The spiritual meaning of purdah doesn’t mean covering your hair but it means keeping your heart purely for your Lord alone.

Taher Siddiqui

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