Kindly refer post to Sheikh Haddad…
https://eshaykh.com/dreams/istikhara-for-marriage-5/. I didn’t mention that the man is non-Muslim but he’s aware that there cannot be a future for us while he’s Christian.
Dream: I’m conversing with a known man’s son whose Christian (never met son) about his studies, he’s studying in reality. After the conversation he changes his major and also decides to become Muslim. Then there’s some confusion about a flight taking him to the wrong place and suddenly someone starts interpreting the rest of my dream, saying that someone at the airport showed him the wrong door, something about “the night of power” and “nur on his face”. Suddenly the name Sheikh Gibril Haddad appears on a card and I realise that the interpreter was Sheikh Haddad.
In reality my non-Muslim friend is studying. Could this dream be referring to him and could you please assist with the interpretation.
`Alaykum Salam,
Let him take shahada this Ramadan. Invite him to socialize around iftar, as it is like Paradise on earth and many non-Muslims enter at that time of the year.
Hajj Gibril Haddad