Dream: Sheikh Hisham



I’m not a murid of Sheikh Nazim but someone Sheikh Nazim might know very dearly, the other student of Grandsheikh Sharafeddin in Bursa, his name is Sultan Baba.

In the dream, Sheikh Kabbani wasn’t present physically, but he was like a blanket over me, and he asked me about tahajjud, and I purposefully told him that the time has passed, and Sheikh Kabbani said, “Then I don’t love you,” then I told him, “Oh Sheikh, dont say such things,” and I told him the right timing for tahajjud and then Sheikh said, “Ok I love you.”

I don’t know the meaning of the dream, nor do I know why I saw Sheikh Kabbani in my dream since I have a different awrad, and I’m not a direct murid of Sheikh Nazim. Can you clarify please?


a`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem:

wa `alaykum salam,
All Naqshbandis are spiritually familiar to each other.

Dr. Karim

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