Dream: Sheikh Nazim wafaat and sheikh Gibril


Assalaam alaykum all eShaykh staff.

I had a dream couple of months back but I did not ask for interpretation.
I had the feeling that Sheikh Nazim is going to leave us (die). Now I’m worried if the dream is a bad one. I’m worried if I have done something wrong that disconnected me to the Naqshbandi tariqa. The tariqa is different from those in Mauritius and sometimes I do get questions that I don’t really know how to reply. for ex. hadrah or Sufi dance etc…

I also dreamt that Sheikh Gibril told me that I’m still young to get married. He was smiling. Please interpret and please can Sheikh Gibril answer me?


`Alaykum Salam,

The wali’s maqam and power are raised when he enters Barzakh so to see that in dream means try and draw closer to your Murshid and be like him, ie die before you die. For questions see Mawlana Shaykh Hisham’s Encyclopedia of Islamic Doctrine. Other dream means if not married already then marry soon and Allah knows best.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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