Dream: Sheikh Raja Ashman


Salam.. with love..

I’m descendant of prophet living in Malaysia..n being gifted from Allah to see the hidden things. One night I’ve dreamt sheikh Raja Ashman being a leader in a war in Nusantara means Indonesia and Malaysia..wearing his royal cloth..at that time I didn’t know him, after I’ve glanced his picture in a newspaper, I know his name. I just want to know him more. Where is the masjid he used to be in, and does he have the Prophet Muhammad blood line? Ican see a light come from his head go to the sky. It means he is a wali..


wa `alaykum salam,

Insha-Allah that dream indicates your success in war against the ego and shaytan with support of Mawlana Shaykh, as symbolized by his representative HRH Raja Ashman bin Azlan Shah, may Allah bless him and give him the Highest Paradise.

Taher Siddiqui

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