Was sitting to right of my husband on a sky ride, was pretty high up. I was scared as below only trees and water. I thought “I can’t swim” and in real life I can’t and am afraid of heights. We were going pretty fast and at one point there was a tree and my husband said, “That’s a very beautiful tree,” as if he knew all about it or had seen it before. Then a piece of that tree fell in my lap, but I didn’t see anything particularly beautiful about it, I think it was dying. Last part of dream I looked down, though very scared, I saw a square with sort of like steps and a dark hole in the water, thinking I’m going to fall down in it and die, then I woke up (maybe I did fall and die but I can’t be sure).
A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim
Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm:
Walaikum Assalam,
This dream could be the result of your exaggerated worries and anxieties. Try to do zikr “La Ilaha Illa Lah” every day.
Success is from Allah.
Ali Elsayed