Dream: Special stranger


This occurred sometime last year. During that time and up to now I have a minor issue with sudden muscle pains on a particular side of my cheek. In the dream I was visiting a large hospital on a bright day. Going in for my appointment I was pointed to my consultant, and I was disappointed that he was not an old man, because age would have represented to me experience and knowledge. However I was surprised as I realized there was something special about him but I don’t know why. He was a handsome man, well-mannered with sharp features, dressed smartly and slicked black hair in a parted fashion. Without telling him my problem, he somehow managed to figure it out and touched the exact part of my cheek and I felt a burning sensation – of soothing, not of pain.


That was an angel sent to heal your problem, due to your loyalty and belief.

And Allah knows best.

Taher Siddiqui

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